Thorne, Crowle and Goole Moors form part of the largest raised mire system in England. Over many centuries, beginning in the 17th Cenury, the moors and their surroundings have been drained, agriculturtally improved and mined for peat. These activities have left a legacy of reduced biodiversity and environmantal damaga in and around the moor which, under the Euroopean Habitats Directive, the UK Government is now addressing.

Work by Natural England has already brought much of the bog into favourable condition, since commercial peat milling ceased on site in the last decade. It is this solid foundation upon which this project will build over the next five years.



    Minutes 02 May 2017
    02 May 2017

    Agenda 02 May 2017
    13 April 2017


    BES Sphagnum Workshop
    20 October 2014

    Humberhead Peatlands LIFE+ Bid
    17 October 2014
    All photographs © Kieran Sheehan