Restoration Works on Crowle Moors

Restoration Works on Crowle Moors

A series of peat bunds and dams have now been installed on part of Ribbon Row on Crowle Moors. This has involved the construction of three different types of dams/bunds:

  1. Contour bunding: long sinuous bunds of peat that cross the land surface and hold back water. Often terraced (like rice paddies) these hold back shallow areas of water that eventually drain down into the next bunded pool in a chain of these pools;
  2. Plastic sheet pile dams: these have been constructed across a number of drains on the this part of the moor to hold back water thus allowing it to back-up and spill across the land surface and fill-up the shallow bunded areas above;
  3. Super-bunds: these are effectively small caissons of plastic sheet pile filled with peat and placed across the larger drains. Once again these will allow water to back-up and flood the adjacent land, encouraging the growth of peat-forming vegetation.

In spite of these works only being completed last month, within a week they had caused the water to back up and pool on the land surface. With the current high levels of rainfall it is to be hoped that the works completed to date on this area of land will allow the land to wet-up and become covered in vegetation.

If you would like to see the works, a new footpath hasa been constructed along the South side of the site and this can be accessed from the N Lincs Council car park at the end of the Dole Road in Crowle.




    Minutes 02 May 2017
    02 May 2017

    Agenda 02 May 2017
    13 April 2017


    BES Sphagnum Workshop
    20 October 2014

    Humberhead Peatlands LIFE+ Bid
    17 October 2014
    All photographs © Kieran Sheehan